In our project about Social Network, the students of 1º Polimodal have read articles, debated about the positive and negative aspects of sites like Facebook or Twitter and they have also watched videos related to the topic. After having access to different articles, they have written about social networking as well.
Below you will find some of the students writing work done during the class.
Twitter and facebook are social networks that connect people, friends and families by Internet without going outside the house.
Ten years ago, socializing was different. People didn’t stay in their houses, they all met in a place and made activities. This was possible because there was more security. Now things are different. The majority of the people who go out are exposed to criminal situations. This makes people stay in their houses because they feel secure of thieves, and consequently they can’t visit friends and families. So what can we do to talk with friends or families? Being part of a social network like facebook, twitter, hi-5 and my space. Although people feel secure in their social network, they are exposed to strangers that can hurt them.
In conclusion socializing has changed, there is a new way to socialize called social network.
By Tomas M.
Facebook as a cultural phenomenon
Facebook is a popular, free-access social networking website, in which users can join networks organized by cities, workplaces, schools or regions to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profile to notify friends about themselves.
Website membership was initially limited to Harvard students, but then it expanded further and further all over the world. Now, the website currently has more than 150 million active users worldwide.
Facebook has met some controversy over the past few years. It has been blocked intermittently in several countries. It has also been banned at many places of work to increase productivity. Privacy has also been an issue because users are exposed on the website, and anyone can learn everything about you.
By Luciana C.
Ten years ago society was completely different form nowadays. While years passed by the different ways of communication changed and modified themselves.
It is widely believed that in those days only people from the highest classes had the chance of using technological devices which these days are accessible for everyone who can afford them. However thanks to the technology, our society has raised and changed.
Back in 1998, exactly ten years ago, people would meet friends through other people, by going out or just on their own. And if a close friend or someone from their family had to travel abroad they could communicate and talk on the phone or the oldest method: through letter. Completely different from now that you can keep in touch with whoever you want by just turning on your computer or cell phone.
So, according to what I previously said, for me the thing that made the change in our society is definitely technology.
By Dana C.
A) This is how I feel when I use Facebook
I don’t use Facebook a lot, I’m more like a Twitter addict, but this week I have been feeling a little bit attracted to Facebook. I don’t know why but the first thing I do when I wake up or when I arrive home from school, is turn on the computer and run up facebook. When the initial page appears, I take a deep breath and smile, start writing on my friends’ walls and write comments on their photos. I think that this is because I don’t feel alone anymore; I feel that someone, somewhere is there for me, and I jump of happiness when someone answers me in my wall. I think that facebook makes me happy because Facebook is my constant company and I will never be alone again.
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